
Sixteen million, three hundred ninety thousand, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars.

That’s the amount of money in Timberlane’s unassigned fund balance (commonly referred to as budget surplus). Almost 16.4 million in tax dollars that property owners in the district didn’t need to be taxed for.

This school board, the budget committee, and the CFO are utterly incompetent.

Reference the previous blog post below about the budget committee’s “rubber stamp everything” nature, and then read this quote from the November 21, 2023 budget committee meeting minutes:

The proposed budget is up 3.6% from the current FY2024 budget and includes all the requests that were made by the administrators for this budget season.

They do not say “NO” to anything. They believe that the taxpayers of this district are an open checkbook available to be used for anything and everything that is requested – no scrutiny, no oversight.

The Budget Committee will start preparing the 25-26 budget soon. Will they have the gall to propose yet another budget increase after stacking a $6 million dollar increase for 24-25 on top of a 23-24 budget that was $16.4 million too high? Contact them and tell them enough is enough.