Meeting at Danville Community Center

Video recording:

Thank you to everyone involved in making today’s school tax impact discussion a success. It was a great meeting with alot of good info, spirit & camaraderie.

Thank you to Doug Gelina, our Facilitator – great job managing the event.

Thanks also to Dave Drislane, Aaron Greene, John Mileti & his wife, Lisa , Josh Manning, Tammy Cooper, Sayra DeVito, Carol SF, Lisa Barr & Kim Burke Ivas.

Great big thanks also go out to reps Shawn ONeil, Josh Yokela, Scott Wallace, & Emily Phillips for their presentations and Q&A as well as Paul Pazolt for videotaping the event.

Also, thank you to Sheila Lowes, your presence & information was so very appreciated.

To everyone who helped put this event on, it was a resounding success & all of our work paid off.