For those who did not attend the school board meeting last night (or watch the video), the administration revealed there is currently $11+ million in the unassigned fund balance (surplus). You can find documentation on this in the meeting agenda packet here:
The books close June 30th. What remains to be seen is how much of this surplus is spent between now and June 30th – that will determine how much of the surplus is returned to us taxpayers.
Last year, at the June 28th, 2023 school board meeting, a surplus was reported of $4.1 million. Only $1.6 million was returned to the taxpayers. This administration and school board is going to try to spend down this year’s $11m surplus on projects AGAIN.
Now is the time to contact the school board and the superintendent and ask that no dollars be transferred out of the unassigned fund balance for projects and ALL of the surplus is returned! Tell them we expect additional updates on the unassigned fund balance between now and June 30th!